Neustar Control Tag Payments in Your Palm P2P Apps | OCCU
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Payments in your Palm (P2P apps)

Cash and checks have been popular ways to pay people for goods and services for a long time. They’re still the first choice for a lot of people but, an increasing number of consumers are using Peer-to-Peer (P2P) apps on their mobile devices to send payments, safely and swiftly.

How Do Auto Loans Work

It works like taking cash out of an ATM, but it saves you a trip to a machine. You just send or request a payment using the recipient’s mobile phone number or email address. The recipient gets a text message or email explaining how to accept the payment. They can either leave it in their P2P account to use the next time they want to send someone money or they can transfer it to their bank account.

This kind of convenience is literally at your fingertips from your smartphone, tablet, or computer with Oklahoma Central Credit Union's Mobile App. It’s secure, simple, and reliable.

P2P can be used for all kinds of payments

  • Pay back your roommate for your share of food or supplies
  • Send money to a niece for her graduation
  • Pay a friend for dinner or for tickets to a game
  • Pay your landlord for your monthly rent
  • Pay your homeowners association annual dues

Learn more about Peer-to Peer Payments on our website and start enjoying the convenience of this mobile-friendly service.

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