Neustar Control Tag Shred Day - Oklahoma Central Credit Union
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Shred Day

Reduce impact on the environment and securely dispose of old documents.


Shred Day 2025

Mark Your Calendars for Shred Day!

When: April 26th, from 8:00-11:00 AM

Where: Broken Arrow North Branch (Albany & Lynn Lane)

In addition, we are hosting a food drive for the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma! Bring your canned foods to the BA North Branch starting at 8 AM!

What should you shred? 

  • Files
  • Bank Statements
  • Tax Records
  • Receipts
  • Bills/Invoices
  • Cancelled Checks
  • Any other documents containing personal information

View a complete listing of items that can be shred.

Here are some helpful articles to help you determine what to hang on to and what to let go of:

What happens to the shredded paper?

After shredding onsite, 100% of the paper is recycled.

Special thanks to our shredding partner, American Document Shredding, Tulsa's only locally owned and operated National Association for Information Destruction AAA Certified Company.

Save the trees. Sign up for e’s.

We are also encouraging all members to save trees by signing up for e’s: eBanking, eServices and eCommunication. Annually, we send hundreds of thousands of paper statements and notices, so by signing up for online banking and choosing to receive email notices instead of paper notices, we can shrink our environmental footprint.

What are we asking you to do? Consider switching to:

  1. eBanking: Save time and money by banking online. Access your accounts from your home, office or mobile device.
  2. eServices: Pay your bills using BillPay (available in Online Banking) rather than mailing paper checks.
  3. eDocuments: Choose to receive your statements and notices electronically.



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