Neustar Control Tag Education Center - Oklahoma Central Credit Union
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Financial Education Center

Promoting financial literacy is a core mission of all credit unions. But what is financial literacy and how do we help our members become financially literate?


Understanding how money works in the world; how you earn, manage, invest and donate it; and using this knowledge to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of well-being are the principles of financial literacy.

We know how important the concept of understanding money is and that values instilled in kids at a young age will shape them to have different financial personalities. It’s partly a parent’s responsibility to teach children about basic money management skills, but we believe we play a significant part in your life by making a “just in time” impact—educating you and your family at a point in your life where it will matter.

Through the credit union’s products and services, and through programs created by the Oklahoma Central Foundation Financial Wellness Center, we arm you with an array of tools and resources to help you make smart decisions with your money, whether you are 6- or 60-years-old.

Knowledge is power but without putting that know-how into action, how can you get anywhere? We invite you to explore the programs and tools below that will empower you to lead a financially healthy life.

Education Programs

  • Financial Library of articles, calculators, and more. Learn about the world of budgeting, credit cards, buying a home, and more important money management topics!
  • Financial Literacy for Kids and Teens. We want to help you, and your kids, prepare for what comes next. We have partnered with Banzai, a financial literacy program designed to teach kids and teens what real-world finance is really like. 
  • Interactive learning modules. Videos that cover the gamut on a wide range of topics.
  • First-time buyer programs for home and auto. Created for younger members who are ready to cross into adulthood and want to save money on these large purchases.
  • Credit Report Review. We encourage you to take advantage of this benefit. Walk through your credit report with a certified counselor to better understand your credit and what steps you can take to improve your credit score.
  • Free financial counseling and debt management assistance. We’ve partnered with GreenPath to offer help when you need it. Whether it’s developing a spending plan to keep you on budget or getting out of debt to improve your credit rating, we will explore options to help you reach your goal.
  • Financial planning. Creating a financial plan helps you see the big picture and set long and short-term goals, which is a crucial step in mapping out your financial future. It’s easier to make financial decisions when you have a plan.


Educator Resources

Educators, start helping your students get an A+ on their financial futures!


Yesterday, Janna Eremita from OCCU gave a financial literacy presentation to family and consumer science classes at Street School. She provided great information on budgeting, credit, and scams, as well as credit union benefits that can mean dollars in our students' pockets.

I'm so glad I came to school today! This really means something to me.

The kids were fully engaged from start to finish, and felt that Janna had truly walked in their shoes. The value of the program was summed up in a quote from my most challenging student, who said "I'm so glad I came to school today! This really means something to me". Other students have stopped by the classroom asking for copies of the handouts because they have heard students talking about it.

Thanks for providing such a vibrant, practical program! I think every high school student should have this opportunity.

Donna Shelton
Street School

Classroom Presentations

If your classroom is in need of a guest speaker on any financial topic, we are happy to work with you in developing a presentation that will have the most impact for your students. And we'll gladly correlate our presentation to any learning objective that's on your "to-do" list.

For further details, email Janna Eremita, Financial Development Officer, or call 918-664-6000 Ext. 267.

Education Modules

We know firsthand how much the financial decisions you make each day impact your future. Learning how to manage money can be daunting and confusing. We’ve assembled a collection of interactive modules to help you understand budgeting, credit scores, home ownership, loan basics, investing, compound interest and so much more. It’s all free and available on demand, when YOU want it.

Money Basics
Paying for College
Loans & Payments
Buying a Home
Retirement Planning

To explore more topics or see all Education Modules in one place, use this playlist.

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